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Bücher von Stuart Price

Stuart Price is professor of media and political discourse, and chair of the Media Discourse Group, at De Montfort University, Leicester. He is the author of a number of monographs, including Worst-Case Scenario? Governance, mediation and the security regime (2011), and Brute Reality: power, discourse and the mediation of war (2010). Ruth Sanz Sabido is Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, and Chair of the MeCCSA Social Movements Network.
Media Studies von Stuart Price
Media StudiesStuart Price
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Communication Studies Paper von Stuart Price
Communication Studies PaperStuart Price
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Brute Reality von Stuart Price
Brute RealityStuart Price
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Media Studies Paper, 2nd. Edition von Stuart Price
Media Studies Paper, 2nd. EditionStuart Price
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