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Bücher von Steve Prussack

Steve Prussack is the founder of Juice Guru, a business dedicated to spreading the message about juicing for healthy living. He is also the founder of the accredited Juice Guru Academy, which offers courses in juice therapy and health education, and trains juice coaches around the world. Steve is the award-winning host of 'Juice Guru Radio' and he was also the founder and publisher of the No.1 health-related magazine in Apple's Newsstand on juicing and veggie living, VegWorld Magazine. Julie Prussack is an environmental lawyer and administrative law judge who became an avid juicer when she reunited with her high school sweetheart, Steve. Julie became the first certified Juice Guru Practitioner at the age of 40, and has partnered with Steve to grow the Juice Guru brand. For the past three years Julie has also been a head writer and the Associate Editor of VegWorld Magazine.

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