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Bücher von Sheila MacKechnie Murtha

About the Authors
Sheila and Jane have been colleagues and friends for... well, let's
just say a long time. As English as a Second Language (ESL)
teachers, they worked together on lots of projects... and had lots of
fun as they worked. A partnership was born!
Together, Jane and Sheila have teaching credentials in several
states and two continents. With years and years... and years... of
experience (they just don't want to count them all, ha!), they have
taught ESL to little kids, big kids, university students, adults, company
executives, and other teachers in the U.S. and Europe (both
online and in regular classroom settings).
Both Sheila and Jane have served as members of the New Jersey
Department of Education Advisory Committee for ESL/Bilingual
Education. They've facilitated online ESL training courses for teachers
through the NJ DOE professional development program. Sheila
has held several leadership positions scoring teacher candidate responses
for an international testing company, and Jane has written
ESL test questions and rated English as a Foreign Language exams
for another internationally recognized testing company. (They teach,
they test, they score!)
They have won many awards for excellence in teaching, including
two Teacher of the Year awards, and corporate citations for excellence.
They've given numerous presentations and have written curriculum
and syllabi for diverse ESL populations. Add to this some fun
teaching projects in Spanish, public speaking, drama, writing... and,
we're not kidding, even soccer skills and you've got two writers who know how to have a good time writing a book!
Jane is now the Director of ESL Services for Emory College of Arts
and Sciences in Atlanta, Georgia. Sheila is a lecturer in the English
Language Program at the University of Pennsylvania, and continues
to teach, write and consult in New Jersey and New York. Although
they live several states away, both are happy to find time to work
together on fun projects... like this book!

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