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Bücher von S L Bridle

Sarah Bridle is a professor at Manchester University. She became committed to a change in food policy because of her children and her concern for their future.

In 2017, Sarah founded the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Food Network+, bringing together food research and industry. Sarah led the Take a Bite out of Climate Change exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in 2019 and leads the Greenhouse Gas and Dietary choices Open source Toolkit (GGDOT) which brings together data from food choices and greenhouse gas emissions to inform the public and policy makers. Sarah is author of over 100 refereed publications which have over 9000 citations and has won prestigious awards in the UK and Europe including a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, the Royal Astronomical Society's Fowler Award, and European Research Council Starting and Consolidator Grants.

She divides her research time between food-related climate change and astrophysics.