Kostenloser Versand
Unsere Operationen sind klimaneutral

Bücher von Robert Baldwin (Professor of Law, the London School of Economics and Political Science)

Robert Baldwin is a Professor of Law at the LSE where he teaches Regulation and Criminal Law at undergraduate and graduate levels. He has published widely on regulation and has broad consultancy experience in regulation. His previous books include The Government of Risk (Oxford University Press, 2001 with Christopher Hood and Henry Rothstein). He is the Director of the LSE Short Course on Regulation. Martin Cave is a Visiting Professor at the Imperial College Business School. He was a member of the U.K. Competition Commission from 1996-2002. He has authored numerous works on economic regulation, and has very extensive experience of advising regulatory agencies such as Ofcom, OFWAT, the Office of Fair Trading, international institutions such as the European Commission and the OECD, and governments in several countries. Martin Lodge is Reader in Political Science and Public Policy at the LSE. His research and teaching interests are in the comparative study of Executive Government and Regulation.

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