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Bücher von Rob Kitchin

Rob Kitchin is a professor and ERC Advanced Investigator in the National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis at the National University of Ireland Maynooth, for which he was director between 2002 and 2013. He has published widely across the social sciences, including 23 books and 140 articles and book chapters. He is editor of the international journals, Progress in Human Geography and Dialogues in Human Geography, and for eleven years was the editor of Social and Cultural Geography. He was the editor-in-chief of the 12 volume, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, and edits two book series, Irish Society and Key Concepts in Geography. He is currently a PI on the Programmable City project, the Digital Repository of Ireland, and the All-Island Research Observatory. He has delivered over 100 invited talks at conferences and universities and his research has been cited over 600 times in local, national and international media. His book 'Code/Space' (with Martin Dodge) won the Association of American Geographers 'Meridian Book Award' for the outstanding book in the discipline in 2011 and a 'CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2011' award from the American Library Association. He was the 2013 recipient of the Royal Irish Academy's Gold Medal for the Social Sciences. Tracey P. Lauriault is a Programmable City project postdoctoral researcher focussing on how digital data are generated and processed about cities and their citizens. She is actively engaged in research on open data, big data, indicators, and spatial data infrastructures and she has just become a Silicon Republic top 100 women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. She is a member of the international Research Data Alliance Legal (RDA) Interoperability Working Group, the Canadian Roundtable on Geomatics Legal and Policy Interest Group, and the advisory board of the Dublin City Council Homelessness Data Task Force. At the Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre, in Canada, she investigated data, infrastructures and geographical imaginations, the preservation of and access geomatics data; legal and policy issues associated with geospatial, administrative and civil society data; olfactory cartography; and cybercartography. She was the managing editor of Cybercartography: Theory and Practice, and co-editor of Developments in the Theory and Practice of Cybercartography. With the International Research on Permanent Authentic 8 Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES 2 Project) based at the University of British Columbia she investigated issues pertaining to the accuracy, reliability and authenticity of scientific data, data portals, and led the Cybercartographic Atlas of Antarctica Case Study. As a consultant she advises the Federal Government of Canada on topics pertaining to the long term preservation of geospatial data. She has also helped numerous non-profit organizations build indicator projects, develop community based data consortia, community mapping and open data strategies. Matthew W. Wilson is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky and a visiting scholar at the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University. He co-founded and co-directs the New Mappings Collaboratory which studies and facilitates new engagements with geographic representation. His research in critical GIS draws upon STS and urban political geography to understand the development and proliferation of location-based technologies, with particular attention to the consumer electronic sector. He has previously taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and his current research project focuses on the founding of the Laboratory for Computer Graphics at Harvard in 1965, a catalyzing moment in the advent of the digital map. His work has been published in leading journals and collections including, Society & Space, Landscape & Urban Planning, Geoforum, The Professional Geographer, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Cartographica, Social & Cultural Geography, Gender, Place & Culture, and Environment & Planning A.
The Data Revolution von Rob Kitchin
The Data RevolutionRob Kitchin
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The Cognition of Geographic Space von Rob Kitchin
The Cognition of Geographic SpaceRob Kitchin
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Cyberspace von Rob Kitchin
CyberspaceRob Kitchin
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The Data Revolution von Rob Kitchin
The Data RevolutionRob Kitchin
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