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Bücher von Ricardo Peres

Ricardo Peres is a Portuguese developer, blogger, and occasionally, an e-book author. He has over 17 years of experience in software development, using technologies such as C/C++, Java, JavaScript, and .NET. His interests include distributed systems, architectures, design patterns, and general .NET development. He currently works for the London-based Simplifydigital as a technical evangelist, and was first awarded as an MVP in 2015. Ricardo maintains a blog, Development With A Dot, where he regularly writes about technical issues. He wrote Entity Framework Core Cookbook - Second Edition and was the technical reviewer for Learning NHibernate 4 by Packt. Ricardo also contributed to Syncfusion's Succinctly collection of e-books with titles on NHibernate, Entity Framework Code First, Entity Framework Core, multitenant ASP.NET applications, and Microsoft Unity.

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