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Bücher von Ray Stevens

Ray Stevens is a 6th Dan in Judo and a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Ray has a long and distinguished competitive record for Judo that includes an Olympic Silver medal, a European Silver medal, two Commonwealth Gold medals and three British Open titles, as well as a whole host of other titles and championships. Ray is Chairman and Senior Instructor at Wimbledon Judo Club and a Senior Instructor at the Budokwai (the oldest Judo Club in Europe). He is also Senior Instructor and Vice Chairman of the London Area for the British Judo Association. Edward Semple has a PhD in Sport and Exercise Sciences. He has worked with many top-class athletes from a variety of different sports for over twenty-five years. Edward is a Judo Black Belt and a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. He is a British Judo Association coach, a coach at Wimbledon Judo club, an Amateur Boxing Association coach and a BTECH Advanced self Defence instructor. Edward is the author of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - A Training Manual, also published by Crowood.

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