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Bücher von Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter has spent the last 35 years at the forefront of market research, technology and innovation. He is the creator of NewMR, author of The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research, Director of Vision Critical's knowledge sharing centre, and Managing Director of The Future Place. He is in frequent demand as a workshop leader, conference speaker, session facilitator, writer of articles, trainer, and consultant. Ray feels his mission is to help people, have fun, keep learning, and ideally make some money along the way. Navin Williams has lived and worked in diverse markets like China, Africa and India, where he has had the opportunity to be part of market research technological adoptions in developing environments. His quest to drive mobile adoption in market research led him to form MobileMeasure Consultancy Limited. A pioneer in mobile enabled market research, Navin has written a number of whitepapers and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and educational campuses. An early voice on mobile market research, he is very excited by the current chorus of industry captains, industry bodies and researchers championing mobile. Sue York has a love of new research methods and is an advocate of methodological rigour and the need for research-on-research. Sue has a high profile within the global market research community, and has run workshops for bodies such as ESOMAR, AMSRS and the Singapore MRSS. She is joint editor and curator of the ESOMAR book Answers to Contemporary Market Research Questions. Sue is an active member of the market research online community and was a founder of NewMR.