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Bücher von Peter Craig

Peter Craig is Principal Lecturer in the School of PE and Sport Science at the University of Bedfordshire, where he has acquired extensive experience of teaching and course development. He is currently the programme leader for Sport, Media and Culture. Peter is also a researcher and has published widely on sport sociology. In addition to his academic work, he coaches basketball and athletics. Paul Beedie is Principal Lecturer in the School of PE and Sport Science at the University of Bedfordshire. His PhD came out of a fascination with the sociology of adventure, and his publications, scholarly activity and teaching all reflect this theme. Paul is currently subject leader for the socio-cultural staff in the School and involved in a range of professional developments including curriculum development and research productivity.
Sport Sociology von Peter Craig
Sport SociologyPeter Craig
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Blood Father von Peter Craig
Blood FatherPeter Craig
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Hot Plastic von Peter Craig
Hot PlasticPeter Craig
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