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Bücher von Peter Byrne

Peter Byrne is an investigative reporter and science writer based in northern California. He has written for Scientific American, Mother Jones, Salon.com, SF Weekly, North Bay Bohemian, and many other magazines and newsweeklies. He has received national recognition for his investigative reporting, including from Investigative Editors & Reporters and Project Censored. He a member of the Foundational Questions Institute, which has supported this book with a large grant. He has made presentations on Everett at University of Oxford, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and University of California, Irvine. He consulted on (and appeared in) the BBC4 production about Everett, Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives. He is curating the Everett papers.
From the Press Box von Peter Byrne
From the Press BoxPeter Byrne
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Tula Hatti: the Last Great ElephantPeter Byrne
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Green is the ColourPeter Byrne
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Green Is The Colour von Peter Byrne
Green Is The ColourPeter Byrne
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