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Bücher von Paul Vallely

Paul Vallely is a top-flight journalist with a international reputation as a commentator on religion, society and political issues. He was correspondent for The Times in Ethiopia during the famine of 1984-5 for which he was commended as International Reporter of the Year. He was the co-author of Bob Geldof's massive-selling autobiography, Is That It? and was later involved in the organisation of Live 8. In 2004 he was seconded to the Commission for Africa set up by the British prime minister, Tony Blair where he worked on the Commission's report Our Common Interest (later published by Penguin). He is the editor of The New Politics: Catholic Social Teaching for the 21st century and has advised the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales. He was created a CMG 'for services to journalism and to the developing world' in 2006 and is currently associate editor of the Independent newspaper.
Philanthropy von Paul Vallely
PhilanthropyPaul Vallely
Wie Neu
Pope Francis von Paul Vallely
Pope FrancisPaul Vallely
Sehr Gut
Pope Francis von Paul Vallely
Pope FrancisPaul Vallely
Wie Neu
Daniel and the Mischief Boy von Paul Vallely
Daniel and the Mischief BoyPaul Vallely
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Pope Francis von Paul Vallely
Pope FrancisPaul Vallely
Sehr Gut
Bad Samaritans von Paul Vallely
Bad SamaritansPaul Vallely
Sehr Gut