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Bücher von Paul Raines

Paul Raines is a physicist and scientific programmer at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center at Stanford University where he is part of a large collaboration studying CP violation (why charge times parity is not conserved in some particle decays, an arcane research topic that bears on the more understandable question of why there is an excess of matter over antimatter in the universe). He is a huge advocate of scripting languages and has been using Tcl on various projects since 1992. He also maintains a freely distributable quick- reference guide for Tcl/Tk, now published as O'Reilly & Associates' Tcl/Tk Pocket Reference. When he can get away from the lab, Paul enjoys hiking, bridge, and soccer. He lives in San Mateo, California, with his wife Deborah and her horse and three cats. Jeff Tranter works as a software designer for a Canadian telecommunications company and has been using Tcl since 1992 on a number of programming projects related to software tools and testing. He is an active user of Linux, a contributor to the Linux Documentation Project, and author of the O'Reilly book Linux Multimedia Guide. His hobbies include Ham radio, playing guitar, and mountain biking.