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Bücher von Ona Cohn Bregman (Syracuse University, New York, USA)

Ona Cohn Bregman, MSS is former Associate Professor of Social Work at Syracuse University, chair of the School of Social Work's Family Mental Health Concentration from 1991 to 1998, selected by her peers as "Social Work Teacher of the Year" in 1995, and served on the board of the Syracuse Family Center from 1991 to 2001. The Mental Health Association of Onondaga County, NY awarded Ms. Bregman their Lifetime Achievement award in 2007. She continues a small clinical and supervisory practice in semi-retirement. Charles M. White, MSW, is a social work field liaison with Rutgers University's School of Social Work (New Brunswick and Newark, NJ) and a doctoral student at Rutgers University's Graduate School-New Brunswick. He also maintains a Bowen theory-based psychotherapy, supervision, consultation, and training practice in Westfield, NJ. Since completing his Master of Social Work degree at Syracuse University in 1992, Mr. White has held several clinical, supervisory, research, and adjunct academic positions.

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