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Bücher von Neil Curry

Neil Curry has lived for many years in the Lake District. Among his poetry collections are Ships in Bottles, a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, Walking to Santiago, in which he recounts his 500-mile walk along the medieval pilgrim route, and Other Rooms: New & Selected Poems. He has also published The Fable of the World, translations from the French poet Jules Supervielle. He edited the Collected Poems of Norman Nicholson and has published studies of Christopher Smart, Alexander Pope and George Herbert. He has recently completed a book on William Cowper.
Ships in Bottles von Neil Curry
Ships in BottlesNeil Curry
Walking to Santiago von Neil Curry
Walking to SantiagoNeil Curry
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Some Letters Never Sent von Neil Curry
Some Letters Never SentNeil Curry
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Student Guide to Alexander Pope von Neil Curry
Student Guide to Alexander PopeNeil Curry
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The Cumberland Coast von Neil Curry
The Cumberland CoastNeil Curry
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