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Bücher von Natalie Whipple

Natalie Whipple accidentally killed three goldfish in the process of writing this novel (which Mika would be very ashamed of), but she hasn't killed any since. She grew up in California and spent many a family vacation in Monterey, but now she lives in Utah with her husband and three children and spends many days wishing she lived by a beach. Follow Natalie at betweenfactandfiction.blogspot.co.uk or on Twitter:@nataliewhipple.
Blindsided von Natalie Whipple
BlindsidedNatalie Whipple
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Transparent von Natalie Whipple
TransparentNatalie Whipple
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Fish Out of Water von Natalie Whipple
Fish Out of WaterNatalie Whipple
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