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Bücher von Mona DeKoven Fishbane, PhD

Mona DeKoven Fishbane, Ph.D., is the former director of the couple therapy training program at the Chicago Center for Family Health. A clinical psychologist who received her Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts in 1979, Mona lectures and gives workshops nationally and internationally. She is an advisory board member of the journal Family Process, and has served on the board of the American Family Therapy Academy. Mona has published numerous articles in professional journals and book chapters on couple therapy, intergenerational family relationships, and interpersonal neurobiology. She was named Family Psychologist of the Year in 2017 by APA (Division 43). Visit her webpage at www.monafishbane.com Daniel J. Siegel, MD, is clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California-Los Angeles School of Medicine, and executive director of the Mindsight Institute.

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