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Bücher von Mirko Ilic

Mirko Ilic teaches at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He has previously served as art director for both the op-ed section of the New York Times and the international edition of Time Magazine. He has worked with almost every major publication, including Rolling Stone, National Geographic, the Wall Street Journal, and Sports Illustrated. He has received numerous awards and his work is featured in the permanent collections of both the Smithsonian and New York s Museum of Modern Art. Steven Heller is the author and editor of over 130 books on graphic design, satiric art, and popular culture. Heller is the cofounder and cochair of the MFA Designer as Author program at the School of Visual Arts, New York. He is also cofounder of the MFA in Design Criticism, MFA in Interaction Design, MFA Social Documentary Film, and MPS Branding programs. He has devoted much of his career to fostering design education venues, opportunities, and environments.

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