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Bücher von Matteo Strukul

Matteo Strukul is an Italian author of pulp-crime fiction. His first critically acclaimed novel The Ballad of Mila was shortlisted in his native Italy for the Premio Scerbanenco / La Stampa and won the Premio Speciale Valpolicella. This is the first in an on-going series focused on a female character, the Italian Bounty Hunter Mila Zago, a.k.a. Red Dread. Matteo Strukul is also a well-known graphic novel writer. Together with international artist Alessandro Vitti (MARVEL and DC), he created Red Dread, a comic book series with Mila Zago as protagonist. The series is published by Italian independent label Lateral Publish and was awarded the Premio Leone di Narnia as "Best Italian comic book series of the year". Creator and founder of Italian literary fiction movement, Sugarpulp, Matteo is also the artistic director of the Sugarpulp Festival - an international event focused on crime and popular fiction - as well as being line editor of Revolver, a crime fiction imprint of Edizioni BD. Matteo earned a PhD in European Law of Contracts at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and lives between Padua and Berlin with his wife Silvia.
Medici ~ Ascendancy von Matteo Strukul
Medici ~ AscendancyMatteo Strukul
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I Medici. Una dinastia al potere von Matteo Strukul
I Medici. Una dinastia al potereMatteo Strukul
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Medici ~ Ascendancy von Matteo Strukul
Medici ~ AscendancyMatteo Strukul
Medici ~ Ascendancy von Matteo Strukul
Medici ~ AscendancyMatteo Strukul
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Vlad von Matteo Strukul
VladMatteo Strukul
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