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Bücher von Majid Tehranian

Daisaku Ikeda is the spiritual leader of Soka Gakkai International, a world wide lay Buddhist organization. Called by Time Magazine 'the most powerful man in Japan', Ikeda has conducted over 1500 dialogues during the past 40 years with such world figures as Zhou Enlai, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Fidel Castro and Nelson Mandela. He is author of over 80 books on Buddhist themes. This volume is a sequel to his dialogues with Arnold Toynbee and Johan Galtung. Majid Tehranian is Professor of International Communication at the University of Hawaii and director of the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research. He is author of numerous books on international relations, and he edits Peace and Policy.
Global Civilization von Majid Tehranian
Global CivilizationMajid Tehranian