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Bücher von Maggie Pringle

Maggie Pringle taught English for over twenty years and was the headteacher of a large comprehensive school in West London for nine years. She was an Associate Director of the Centre for the Study of Comprehensive Schools (CSCS), working with schools nationally on developing and sharing good practice. She now works as an education consultant and trainer, involving making presentations on a range of issues, including analysing pupil performance and target-setting, effective teaching and learning, and issues of gender in raising achievement. Tony Cobb taught for nearly thirty years, including headships in two Essex schools, spanning sixteen years. He went on to deliver LEA senior management training and was Director of the West Midlands Regional Staff College. After five years as Director of CSCS, Tony worked with national governor associations to produce broadsheets on pupil assessment and target-setting. He is now a trainer for the new National Professional Qualification for Headship, and undertakes LEA consultancies on target-setting and individual school commissions.
Making Pupil Data Powerful von Maggie Pringle
Making Pupil Data PowerfulMaggie Pringle
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