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Bücher von Lisa Tew

Lisa Tew is a speech-language pathologist who has worked with individuals on the autism spectrum from preschool through young adulthood for over thirty years in a variety of settings. In recent years, Lisa has worked with middle and high school students on the autism spectrum in the public school setting while also serving as transition coordinator, helping young people with disabilities transition to post-secondary education and employment. Additionally, Lisa works outside of the school setting with parents and young adults on the autism spectrum, in coordination with vocational services, to help develop the social communication soft skills needed for independence and employment. Lisa co-authored Autism and Employment: Raising Your Child With Foundational Skills For The Future (Future Horizons, 2018). You will find Lisa's blogs and Q&A responses on a variety of topics related to employment, social communication/soft skills, and independence at the Independent Futures With Autism website, IFAutism.com.

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