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Unsere Operationen sind klimaneutral

Bücher von Linda Rios Bromley

Frank T. Hayes is dedicated to preserving the history of SAC. He is a retired engineer with Fairchild Republic, Northrop Grumman and as consulting engineer at GASL. He is an advocate of advanced aerospace technology and education of engineers and scientists. A FAA Certified Flight Instructor, Frank has 2,646 accident-free hours in the cockpit and serves as a volunteer FAA Pilot Safety Counselor. Linda Rios Bromley is the author of Freedom Flight, A True Story, which chronicles the experiences a Republic of China Air Force U-2 pilot. She has co-authored of Remembering the Dragon Lady, Memoirs of the Men Who Experienced the Legend of the U-2 Spy Plane, with Brig. Gen. (Retired) Gerald E. McIlmoyle. Linda is a former director of the Laughlin Heritage Foundation Museum in Del Rio, Texas. Visit her website at www.peoplestoriesunlimited.com. James F. Bard, Jr. currently serves as Secretary of the 91st Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Association. From November 1954 to November 1957, Jim served the 91st SRW and continued to support SAC in a variety of tours where he was promoted to Senior Master Sergeant and subsequently received a commission in 1969. He retired as a Captain in October 1980. The lessons learned in his first assignment at the 91st SRW molded the remainder of his Air Force career.