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Bücher von Judith Blackstone

Judith Blackstone, MA, has been an innovative teacher and writer in the psycho-spiritual field for over two decades. She is the founder of Subtle Self Work, a method of realizing non-dual consciousness and applying it to physical and psychological healing. She is on the faculty of Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California and director of Realization Center in Woodstock, New York. She is author of The Subtle Self: Personal Growth and Spiritual Practice and The Enlightenment Process: How it Deepens Your Experience of Self, Body and Community and co-author of Zen for Beginners. She lives in Woodstock, New York State.
The Subtle Self von Judith Blackstone
The Subtle SelfJudith Blackstone
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Living Intimately von Judith Blackstone
Living IntimatelyJudith Blackstone
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Zen for Beginners von Judith Blackstone
Zen for BeginnersJudith Blackstone
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The Enlightenment von Judith Blackstone
The EnlightenmentJudith Blackstone
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Zen for Beginners von Judith Blackstone
Zen for BeginnersJudith Blackstone
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