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Bücher von John S. March

John S. March, MD, is Chief of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center. A widely published author of books for professionals, including OCD in Children and Adolescents, his research defines the state of the art for treatment of young people with OCD and other anxiety and mood disorders. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. March is active in the teaching and training of mental health professionals. Recently, he served as one of the principal investigators of a National Institute of Mental Health-funded project that compared ways to help kids and teens beat OCD. He lives in Durham, North Carolina. Christine M. Benton is a Chicago-based writer and editor.
Talking Back to OCD von John S. March (MD, MPH, Director, Division of Neurosciences Medicine, Duke Clinical Research Institute (retired), Durham, NC)
Talking Back to OCDJohn S. March
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