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Bücher von John Hofmeister

JOHN HOFMEISTER spent the past eleven years at the highest echelons of one of the world's largest energy companies, following 25 years in major energy consuming companies, including GE, Nortel and AlliedSignal. He is now the chairman of the board of the National Urban League and founder of a non-profit devoted to the issue of affordable energy, Citizens for Affordable Energy. He has appeared on the Today Show, Meet the Press, and other major news shows, and continues to be sought out as an expert on energy issues by media including CNN, CNBC, Fox Business Today, and Bloomberg, among others. He lives in Houston, Texas.
Why We Hate the Oil Companies von John Hofmeister
Why We Hate the Oil CompaniesJohn Hofmeister
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Why We Hate the Oil Companies von John Hofmeister
Why We Hate the Oil CompaniesJohn Hofmeister
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