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Bücher von Joan Salge Blake

Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, LDN, Boston University

Joan Salge Blake is the author of Nutrition & You, our successful book for the non-majors nutrition course, in addition to this text. Joan is a clinical associate professor and dietetics internship director at Boston University's Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. She teaches both graduate and undergraduate nutrition courses and has been a guest lecturer at both the BU Goldman School of Dental Medicine and BU School of Medicine. Joan completed her MS from BU and is currently working toward her doctorate.

Joan is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND, formerly the American Dietetic Association) and the Massachusetts Dietetic Association (MDA). She has been a presenter and Presiding Officer at both the AND Annual Meeting and the MDA Annual Convention. She was previously named MDA's "Young Dietitian of the Year" and is the past Director of Education and Nominating Committee Chairperson for the MDA. She currently serves on the MDA board. Joan has received the Whitney Powers Excellence in Teaching award from Boston University and the Annie Galbraith Outstanding Dietitian award from the Massachusetts Dietetic Association.

In addition to teaching and writing, Joan has a private practice specializing in weight management and lifestyle changes. Joan is often asked to translate complex nutritional issues in popular terms. As a National Media Spokesperson she has conducted over 850 media interviews and contributed numerous nutrition articles to a variety of magazines and news outlets.

Kathy D. Munoz, MS, RD, EdD, Humboldt State University

Kathy D. Munoz is a professor of nutrition in the Department of Kinesiology and Recreation Administration at Humboldt State University. She teaches undergraduate courses in introductory nutrition, exercise nutrition, and weight management, as well as courses in teaching preparation in higher education in the Department of Education. She received her Ed.D. from the University of Southern California in curriculum design and a M.S. in Foods and Nutrition with a minor in exercise physiology from Oregon State University.

Kathy is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the California Dietetic Association. Her professional memberships include Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM), Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN), and Weight Management (WM). She has published articles in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Children's Health Care, Journal of Nutrition Education, and the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise, and has co-authored a series of curriculum guides for elementary teachers. Kathy has also been recognized for her research in, and development of, asynchronous learning.

Stella Volpe, PhD, RD, LDN, Drexel University

Stella Volpe is professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drexel University. She is a nutritionist and exercise physiologist whose research is on obesity prevention, body composition, bone mineral density, and mineral metabolism and exercise. Stella's current research revolves around the effects of the environment on obesity-both how the environment can be changed to prevent obesity - and how the environment has resulted in a more obese nation and world.

Prior to beginning her faculty appointment at Drexel University, Stella was on faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, and previous to that, she was on faculty at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Stella is both a Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist (American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM]), and a Registered Dietitian. Stella is a Fellow of the ACSM. She is also a member of the American College of Nutrition, the American Society for Nutritional Sciences, the American Society of Clinical Nutrition, the American Dietetic Association, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, and Sigma Xi. She has also been inducted into Delta Omega (Rho Chapter) National Public Health Honor Society and Gamma Beta Phi Honor and Service Organization.


Barbara Rolls, PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Barbara J. Rolls is Professor and the Helen A. Guthrie Chair of Nutritional Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Rolls also holds positions at Penn State as Professor in the Department of Biobehavioral Health, the Intercollege Graduate Program in Physiology, and the Integrative Biosciences Graduate Program. She is a faculty member of Penn State Hershey College of Medicine's Neural and Behavioral Sciences Program and the MD/PhD Program.

Dr. Rolls is Past-President of both the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior and The Obesity Society. She has been a member of the Advisory Council of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH). In 2008, Dr. Rolls received the Centrum Center for Nutrition Science Award at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. She was the 2010 recipient of The Obesity Society's George A. Bray Founders Award and was elected to the American Society for Nutrition's Fellows Class of 2011.

She is the author of more than 250 scientific articles and six books, including Thirst, The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan: Feel Full on Fewer Calories, The Volumetrics Eating Plan, and The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet.

Nutrition and You von Joan Salge Blake
Nutrition and YouJoan Salge Blake
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