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Bücher von Jennifer Koerber

Jennifer Koerber is the Public Instruction Curriculum Development Coordinator for the Boston Public Library and an independent trainer and speaker on emerging technologies and the social web. She is a self-hacked tech librarian, and has observed how people interact with technology for more than fifteen years as a children's librarian, reference librarian, library branch manager, web services librarian, and now trainer. She earned her MSLIS from Simmons College in 1998. She has written several articles on library innovation and self-publishing at libraries for Library Journal and The Digital Shift, and has been training the public in technology and online life for twelve years. Visit www.jenniferkoerber.com for a full list of her presentations and publications. Michael Sauers is currently the Director of Technology for Do Space in Omaha, NE. Michael has been training librarians in technology for the past twenty years and has also been a public library trustee, a bookstore manager for a library friends group, a reference librarian, serials cataloger, technology consultant, and bookseller since earning his MLS in 1995 from the University at Albany's School of Information Science and Policy. Michael has also written dozens of articles for various journals and magazines and fourteenth book, Emerging Technologies: A Primer for Librarians was published in May 2015 and more books are on the way. In his spare time he blogs at travelinlibrarian.info, runs Web sites for authors and historical societies, takes many, many photos, and is usually "currently reading" five or six books at a time.

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