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Bücher von Jane Yeh

Jane Yeh was born in America and has lived in London since 2002. She holds degrees in English and Creative Writing from Harvard, Iowa, Manchester Metropolitan, and Royal Holloway London universities. Her first collection of poems, Marabou (Carcanet, 2005), was shortlisted for the Whitbread, Forward, and Aldeburgh poetry prizes. She was named a Next Generation poet by the Poetry Book Society for her second collection, The Ninjas (Carcanet, 2012). A Lecturer in Creative Writing at the Open University, she also writes on books, theatre, and fashion for such publications as The Poetry Review and The Village Voice.
Ninjas von Jane Yeh
NinjasJane Yeh
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Marabou von Jane Yeh
MarabouJane Yeh
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Discipline von Jane Yeh
DisciplineJane Yeh
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