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Bücher von Jane Patrick

Jane Patrick grew up on the broad plains of south central Nebraska where, from an early age, she earned the moniker of "the family putzer" because she was always making things. It wasn't until she walked into the weaving studio at Loengum ri home economics school as an exchange student in Iceland that she knew that weaving was something she must do. Since then weaving has been both her livelihood and her hobby.
Jane is the former editor of Handwoven magazine and is currently vice president of sales and service for Schacht Spindle Company Inc. She has taught weaving classes and workshops, given lectures on weaving, and juried textile art shows. Jane lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Weaver's Idea Book von Jane Patrick
Weaver's Idea BookJane Patrick
Sehr Gut
Time to Weave von Jane Patrick
Time to WeaveJane Patrick
Sehr Gut