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Bücher von Jane C. Johnson

Jane Johnson, MSc, is co-director of the London Massage Company, England. As a chartered physiotherapist and sport massage therapist, she has been carrying out postural assessments for many years.

Johnson teaches postural assessment as a provider of continuing professional development (CPD) workshops for the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT). This experience has brought her into contact with thousands of therapists of all disciplines and helped inform her own practice. She is also a regular presenter at the annual Complementary and Massage Expo (CAM) held in the United Kingdom.

Johnson is a full member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and is registered with the Health Professions Council. A member of the Institute of Anatomical Sciences, she has a deep interest in musculoskeletal anatomy and how newly qualified therapists can be better educated in this subject. She also is interested in the relationship between emotions and posture.

In her spare time, Johnson enjoys taking her dog for long walks, practicing wing chun kung fu, and visiting museums. She resides in London.

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