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Bücher von Jack Swaab

Jack Swaab was born on the Ides of March some 94 years ago. Raised in South-East London, he has travelled the world in wartime and peace, while his work-life has taken him from journalism to advertising, book-selling and dispensing racing tips - not to mention six distinguished years of service as a gunner officer with the 51st Highland Division. For the last sixty years, home has been a small house in Wimbledon which he has shared with his family and a succession of cats.
Field of Fire von Jack Swaab
Field of FireJack Swaab
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Slouching in the Undergrowth von Jack Swaab
Slouching in the UndergrowthJack Swaab
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Always a Little Further von Jack Swaab
Always a Little FurtherJack Swaab
Wie Neu
Field of Fire von Jack Swaab
Field of FireJack Swaab
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