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Bücher von Imogen Evans

Imogen Evans practised and lectured in medicine in Canada and the UK before turning to medical journalism at The Lancet. From 1996 to 2005 she worked for the Medical Research Council, latterly in research ethics, and has represented the UK government on the Council of Europe Biomedical Ethics Committee. Hazel Thornton, after undergoing routine mammography, was invited to join a clinical trial, but the inadequate patient information led to her refusal. However, it also encouraged her advocacy for public involvement in research to achieve outcomes relevant to patients; she has written and spoken extensively on this topic. Iain Chalmers practised medicine in the UK and Palestine before becoming a health services researcher and directing the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit and then the UK Cochrane Centre. Since 2002 he has led the James Lind Initiative, promoting better controlled trials for better health care, particularly through greater public involvement.
Testing Treatments von Imogen Evans
Testing TreatmentsImogen Evans
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Testing Treatments von Imogen Evans
Testing TreatmentsImogen Evans
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Testing Treatments von Imogen Evans
Testing TreatmentsImogen Evans
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