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Unsere Operationen sind klimaneutral

Bücher von Iain Ferguson (University of Stirling, UK)

Iain Ferguson is a lecturer in social work at the University of Striling. He has written widely on issues of service user involement (particularly in the area of mental health), participatory and emancipatory research, asylum seekers and social welfare theory. Prior to moving into academic life, he worked for many years as a social worker and community worker and he is a qualified Mental Health Officer. Michael Lavalette is a lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Liverpool. He has written widely on issues of child labour, the politics of childhood, social welfare and social movement activity. Elizabeth Whitmore is a Professor, at the School of Social Work, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). She has been a teacher, practitioner and activist for many years. She teaches a graduate course on International Social Development at Carleton. Her interest in social justice and the connections between globalisation and social work stems from many years working internationally and recognizing the connections between larger systemic ideologies and local realties. She has an established and recognized record of participation in the field of international social work. She is currently Past President, North American and Caribbean Association of Schools of Social Work (2000-2004) and Chair, Katherine Kendall Award Committee, International Association of Schools of Social Work (2000-2002). In the recent past she has been a Member, Program Committee, Joint International Conference of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers (1998-2000) and President, North American Caribbean Regional Association of Schools of Social Work (1996-2000).