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Bücher von Frank S. Todd

Frank S. Todd, a globally recognized authority on waterfowl and penguins has authored eight books, including the highly acclaimed Natural History of the Waterfowl. Frank helped establish the California Breeding Program and a captive breeding program for the threatened Harpy Eagle in the early 1970s and was deeply involved in the discovery of the cause of egg-shell thinning and population decline in the of the California Brown Pelican in the 1970s. Frank joined SeaWorld in San Diego as Corporate Vice-President of Aviculture and Research at Sea-World in 1972, a position he held for the next 16 years. Mr. Todd was a Fellow of the Explorers Club, a member of The All Eight Club, a Senior Research Fellow at Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute since the early 1970s and was President of Ecocepts International. He lived and worked out of San Diego until his death on 8 December 2016.