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Bücher von Francis O'Gorman (Professor in the School of English, Professor in the School of English, University of Edinburgh)

Francis O'Gorman has written widely on English literature chiefly from 1780 to the present, and mostly, but not exclusively, on poetry and non-fictional prose. His recent books include editions of Gaskell's Sylvia's Lovers (Oxford World's Classics, 2014), and Trollope's The Way We Live Now (Oxford World's Classics, 2016). He edited The Cambridge Companion to John Ruskin (CUP, 2015) and, most recently, volume 5 of Edward Thomas: Prose Writings: A Selected Edition (OUP, 2017). His Worrying: A Cultural and Literary History (Bloomsbury, 2015) was a Guardian 'book of the week'. Francis O'Gorman was educated at the University of Oxford as Organ Scholar of Lady Margaret Hall and is now Saintsbury Professor of English Literature at the university of Einburgh.

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