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Bücher von Florence Parry Heide

Florence Parry Heide is the award-winning author of more than fifty children's books, including the classic The Shrinking of Treehorn, illustrated by Edward Gorey, and Some Things Are Scary, illustrated by Jules Feiffer. She says, "One of my many (true) sayings is, "Friendships last. And last." Florence Parry Heide lives in Wisconsin. Sylvia Van Clief collaborated with Florence Parry Heide on a wide variety of songs and books for young people, including It Never Is Dark, How Big Am I? and the Spotlight Club Mysteries. Sylvia Van Clief passed away in 1974. Holly Meade is the author and illustrator of A Place to Sleep, and has illustrated many acclaimed books for children, including On Morning Wings by Reeve Lindbergh and Hush!: A Thai Lullaby by Minfong Ho, which was a Caldecott Honor Book.