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Bücher von Flora R. Heathcote

Flora Heathcote is the author of many of Payne-Gallway's successful IT books including Basic Access, Further Access, Access Right from the Start and Dreamwaver Right from the Start.Oliver Heathcote has worked as a programmer and technical author and is now a full-time publisher.Pat Heathcote has worked as a programmer and systems analyst, and has many years of experience in teaching Computing and Information Technology. She has served as an Assistant Examiner with NEAB and AEB and is on the Subject Committee for Computing. She is now a full-time author and publisher.Rosemary Richards is the author of several very successful ICT textbooks. She has taught in both a college environment and as an independent trainer in organisations of all sizes , and now concentrates on writing and editing at Payne-Gallway Publishers. She also spends time verifying coursework and writing assessment and teacher support material for a major examining board.