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Bücher von Fathali M. Moghaddam

Fathali M. Moghaddam, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Psychology and the director of the Conflict Resolution Program, Department of Government at Georgetown University.

Dr. Moghaddam was born in Iran, educated from an early age in England, and worked for the United Nations and for McGill University before joining Georgetown in 1990. He returned to Iran in the spring of revolution in 1979 and was researching there during the hostage-taking crisis and the early years of the Iran-Iraq War. He has conducted experimental and field research in numerous cultural contexts and published extensively on radicalisation, intergroup conflict, human rights and duties, and the psychology of globalisation.

His most recent books include Multiculturalism and Intergroup Relations (2008); How Globalization Spurs Terrorism (2008); The New Global Insecurity (2010); Words of Conflict, Words of War (2010, with Rom Harre); and Psychology for the Third Millennium (2012, with Rom Harre). Dr. Moghaddam is the next editor of Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, and he has received a number of recognitions for his scholarly contributions, the most recent being the Outstanding International Psychologist Award for 2012 from APA Division 52 (Division of International Psychology).