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Bücher von Dr John Sugden

Dr John Sugden has pursued a busy career as a lecturer, senior research fellow and writer. He is the author of a series of acclaimed articles and books, including Sir Francis Drake, Tecumseh: A Life, which won the Distinguished Book Award of the American Society for Military History, and Blue Jacket, which won the Ohioana Award. His fascination with Nelson stems from childhood, and he decided to write a complete life of Nelson when he discovered large amounts of untapped material whilst completing his doctorate in naval and political history.
Sir Francis Drake von Dr John Sugden
Sir Francis DrakeDr John Sugden
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Nelson: A Dream of Glory von Dr John Sugden
Nelson: A Dream of GloryDr John Sugden
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Nelson von Dr John Sugden
NelsonDr John Sugden
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Nelson The Sword of Albion von Dr John Sugden
NelsonDr John Sugden
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