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Bücher von Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor has been a behavioural specialist for over ten years. He has taught every age group, from nursery to 16-year-olds, working in tough inner city primary and comprehensive schools. He is currently the head teacher of a special school for children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties in West London. His school has twice received 'outstanding' ratings by Ofsted since he arrived in 2006. He also works as a freelance behaviour consultant, coaching teachers in behaviour management techniques, and holds regular workshops for parents. He lives in London and is married with three immaculately behaved children.
Divas & Door Slammers von Charlie Taylor
Divas & Door SlammersCharlie Taylor
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Divas & Dictators von Charlie Taylor
Divas & DictatorsCharlie Taylor
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Wmd von Charlie Taylor
WmdCharlie Taylor
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