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Bücher von Carolyn Stoller

Lynn is the Founding President of the Sensory-Enhanced Yoga (R) Institute. Sensory-Enhanced Yoga (R) evolved from her role as the Associate Investigator and co-author of the highly successful Iraq yoga study, "Effects of Sensory-Enhanced Yoga on Symptoms of Combat Stress in Deployed Military Personnel" (Stoller et al, Jan/Feb 2012 AJOT). Lynn has trained yoga instructors and health professionals in sensory-based yoga techniques for combat stress and PTSD since 2008, and was a leading faculty member of two pioneering veteran/ military yoga organizations (Yoga Warriors 2008-2011; Warriors at Ease 2011-2016). Lynn is also an occupational therapist at Cotting School in Lexington, MA and teaches therapeutic yoga classes for veterans in the Boston area.

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