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Bücher von Candy Spelling

CANDY SPELLING, whose husband Aaron produced America's favorite entertainment ("Dynasty," "Charlie's Angels," "The Love Boat," "Beverly Hills 90210"), is one of Hollywood's most famous wives and mothers. Her marriage was one of Tinseltown's happiest and most enduring, ending only with Aaron's death in 2006. Since then, Candy has begun writing, for TMZ.com and The Huffington Post, as well as becoming a contributing editor for Los Angeles Confidential Magazine. She is involved with a number of charitable and public service organizations, and is in the process of "downsizing" from Spelling Manor to a 17,000 square foot condominium in Century City.
Stories from Candyland von Candy Spelling
Stories from CandylandCandy Spelling
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Stories from Candyland von Candy Spelling
Stories from CandylandCandy Spelling
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