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Bücher von Bryan Michael Stoller

Bryan Michael Stoller is an award-winning filmmaker who has produced, written, and directed more than 100 productions from music videos and commercials to TV shows and feature films. His movie First Dog had nearly a half-million Redbox rentals, and he has directed stars such as Edward Asner, Barbra Streisand, James Earl Jones, Drew Barrymore, and Dan Aykroyd. Bryan's movies have amassed close to eighteen-million views on video on demand platforms. Learn more at www.BryanMichaelStoller.com.

Filmmaking For Dummies von Bryan Michael Stoller
Filmmaking For DummiesBryan Michael Stoller
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Smartphone Movie Maker von Bryan Michael Stoller
Smartphone Movie MakerBryan Michael Stoller
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Filmmaking For Dummies von Bryan Michael Stoller
Filmmaking For DummiesBryan Michael Stoller
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