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Bücher von Brian Goss

Brian Goss, MSc, was formerly the Electrical Engineer at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT). He studied Electrical Installation at Chesterfi eld College and Renewable Energy Systems Technology at the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST), Loughborough University. Brian teaches on various solar PV courses at CAT, including the City & Guilds Certifi cate in Installing & Testing Domestic Photovoltaic Systems (C&G 2372); the MSc: Renewable Energy and the Built Environment, and also the short course 'Introduction to Solar Electric Systems'. Brian also works as Research Engineer for CREST on a PV systems optimisation project for the IKEA Group. The project will monitor large-scale solar PV arrays in real-world environments to analyse and improve the decision making process used to design solar PV systems. In his spare time, Brian enjoys kayaking, mountaineering, skitouring and cycling.

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