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Bücher von Arimasa Naitoh

Arimasa Naitoh is one of the world's foremost innovators in mobile computing. But until now, his story has never been told outside his native Japan. He is credited with being the father of the ThinkPad because he and his engineers in their Yamato Lab have been at the forefront of every new innovation such as color screens, extended battery life, and wireless communications. He also played a key role in preserving the Yamato Lab when China-based Lenovo bought IBM's personal computer division in 2005. He lives in Fujisawa, Japan.

William J. Holstein is a business journalist and author of six previous books, including Why GM Matters: Inside the Race to Transform an American Icon and The Next American Economy: Blueprint for a Real Recovery. He has lived in and traveled extensively in East Asia. He currently resides in Cortlandt Manor, New York.

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