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Bücher von Anthony Nanson

Anthony Nanson is a Stroud-based storyteller. He has performed widely in Britain and abroad and is a founding member of Fire Springs storytelling company. He is the author of Storytelling and Ecology, Exotic Excursions and Words of Re-enchantment, and teaches creative writing at Bath Spa University.

Kirsty Hartsiotis is a Gloucestershire-based storyteller and writer. She has been telling stories to adults and children of all ages professionally since 2000. She came to storytelling with a lifelong love of stories and history, and a background in drama, heritage and education. She has performed in theatres, bookshops, festivals, woods, castles, museums, schools, art centres, outdoor events, gatherings, sacred spaces, parties, libraries and cafes all around the country

Gloucestershire Folk Tales von Anthony Nanson
Gloucestershire Folk TalesAnthony Nanson
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Words of Re-enchantment von Anthony Nanson
Words of Re-enchantmentAnthony Nanson
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Gloucestershire Ghost Tales von Anthony Nanson
Gloucestershire Ghost TalesAnthony Nanson
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