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Bücher von Aidan Finn

Aidan Finn (tweet @joe-elway) is an internationally recognized virtualization expert and blogger (www.aidanfinn.com) from Ireland, and a leading voice in the Microsoft community. Patrick Lownds (tweet @PatrickLownds) is head of the Microsoft Virtualization User Group in the UK as well as an industry speaker at TechEd, HP Technology at Work, and elsewhere. Michel Luescher (tweet @michelluescher) is a consultant at Microsoft Switzerland specializing in private cloud solutions, datacenter optimization, and virtualization. He is also a regular industry speaker and writes the blog www.server-talk.eu. Damian Flynn (tweet @damian-flynn) is the principal infrastructure architect for Lionbridge Technologies specializing in private cloud solutions, datacenter optimization, and virtualization. He is also a regular industry speaker and maintains a public technology and Microsoft blog (www.damianflynn.com).